Watchman Willie Martin Archive


������ Patterns of Revelation by Dr. Wesley A. Swift

�� Date:

������ Wed, 14 Mar 2001 15:06:09 ‑0800

� From:

������ "Bob Jones" <[email protected]>

��� To:

������ <Undisclosed‑Recipient:;>

��� CC:

������ "Pastor Bob Jones" <[email protected]>

������� Patterns of Revelation

��������������� by Dr. Wesley A. Swift

������������������� We are thinking of the patterns of Revelation, of the day

the angel came to John

����� ��������������and said: "Come, John, and I will show you the great

whore that sitteth upon

������������������ many waters, and with whom the kings of the earth

have committed their many

������������������ fornications. " John discusses this very thoroughly, and

says: "He carried me away

������������������� in the Spirit, and I saw a woman sit upon a

scarlet‑colored beast, full of names of

������������������ blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. " This is

mystery Babylon the great,

��������������� ����and further in chapter 17 of Revelation, John continues:

"I saw the woman, and she

������������������ was full of the blood of the saints (believing offspring)

and the blood of the

������������������ martyrs of Jesus The Christ (Yahshua), and when I saw

her I wondered about her.

������������������ And the angel said unto me: Wherefore didst thou

marvel? I will tell thee the

������������������ mystery of the woman. The seven heads are the

kingdoms on which the woman

������������������ sitteth. There are seven kings, five are fallen, one is,

and one is yet to come; and

������������������ when he cometh he must continue a short space. Then

the eighth is to come out

������������������� of the seventh." And he talks about how these ten are

ten kings who have no

������������������ kingdom as yet, but will rule with the beast system for

one hour in the attack of

������������������ the beast upon Yahweh's (God's) Kingdom.

������������������ And then comes the end of the age.

������������������ Regarding this woman mystery Babylon, you are

speaking symbolically of something

������������������ which is inside the Kingdom of Yahweh. And also within

His Kingdom we have a

������������������ status of society which is called "The New Jerusalem"

which is the great city of The

������������������ Most High descended down out of heaven through

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and to

������������������ our time. Our book of Revelation tells us that the New

Jerusalem is composed of

������������������ the people of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel.

Then we have the satanic

������������������ beast or the city of Lucifer, "Mystery Babylon the great,

the mother of harlots and

������������������ abominations of earth".

������������������� As the city of The Living Yahweh is made up of His

offspring, His household (who

������������������ are Elohim or His children), so also is the power and the

majesty of the luciferian

������������������ city of mystery Babylon made up of the offspring of

Lucifer; and the power of their

������������������ viciousness, their evil, and their corruption is well seen.

������������������ Therefore we have two cities, one the city of Yahweh,

and the other the city of

������������������ the devil.

������������������� It makes one think again of the book of John in which

the enemies of Yahshua

������������������ (Jesus) were arguing with Him and trying to modify His

approach to identifying

������������������ them. They say: "Look, we have one father, even god,

so we are brothers to you."

������������������ But The Christ said: "Now, if God were your father, you

would love Me but you

������������������ are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father

you will do., You cannot

������������������ even understand ‑‑My speech because you have no

spiritual capacity for

������������������ understanding. You are full of this area of destruction

from your father. "

������������������� So we look at Revelation again: "Seven kings, five are

fallen, one is, and one is yet

������������������� to come." The power of the beast. (world

������������������ order) is two fold; it is not just ecclesiastical with all the

power of darkness, and all

������������������ the forces of evil which are anchored, of course, in ages

past, even before your

������������������ Race came to earth. There are the Buddhism, Hinduism,

Yogism, the backgrounds

������������������� of all the patterns of darkness that we see sweeping out

of Asia and, we find as

������������������ well, the devil worshipers of Africa. All these powers

are a part of

������������������ babylonianism‑false religions and pagan philosophies;

and these with their false

������������������ standards of immorality, degeneration, and depravity

are the process of the

���� ���������������children of evil and the background of the household of

evil. After all, the program

������������������� of Lucifer's kingdom is a world order, and this is against

the program of Yahweh's

������������������ kingdom. There is, then, the system of Yahweh's

Kingdom, and the system (or

������������������ world order) of Lucifer's kingdom. The sum total of the

world order is in absolute

������������������ opposition to the Kingdom of The Most High.

������������������ Sin is a violation of Divine Law; and Lucifer operates


������������������ this violation. Therefore as we turn to mystery Babylon

the great, the mother of

������������������ harlots and abominations of earth, we learn she is guilty

of the blood of all the

������������� ������saints and all the martyrs who have been slain in

Christendom upon the face of the

������������������ earth. So we refer to the Scriptures and find that these

seven mountains are seven

������������������ nations or kings: (1) Egypt, (2) Assyria, (3) Babylon, (4)

Mede Persia, (5) Greece, (6)

������������������ Rome. At the time of the revelation to John, Rome was

still in existence; so five

������������������ had fallen, and t6one is" was (6) Rome. The seventh

was yet to come, and the

����������� ��������eighth would come out of the seventh.

������������������ Now, the taking over by chicanery and the movement

into the structure of society,

������������������ and the control of these empires was a part of the riding

of the beast. The beast

��� ����������������system is a deceitful program seeking to rule the

nations and in their program for

������������������ the world, at the same time to level the entire assault

and all their attacks upon the

������������������ Kingdom of Yahweh. So the seventh, in the time of the

migrations of the tribes and

������������������ their settling into their allotted places in Europe, would

come out with a great

������������������ attack upon Yahweh's Kingdom. Thus this would be the

hordes that came with

������ �������������Genghis Khan. They conquered the areas of Samarkand

and China, came across

������������������ through Persia and hurled themselves into an attack

against Israel in Europe for the

������������������ "one hour". They were basically attempting to destroy

Christian civilization and the

������������������ treasures of Christendom, and they did all this in league

with the powers and forces

������������������� of darkness. Organized Jewry was the power that

opened the doors of Europe for

��������� ����������Genghis Khan and his marauders. We want you to

realize that, again, organized

������������������ Jewry and the sons of Babylon are ONE AND THE

SAME. The Most High leaves this

������������������ fact so well marked. The hordes of Genghis Khan

almost conquered the White race

������������������ and their civilization, but this wound to the beast

system upon which the woman

������������������ rode was the striking down of Genghis Khan by our

Father. This period ended as the

������������������ fallen satanic warrior was carried back to Lhnaas to be


������������������� It appeared for awhile that there was no beast system

that Jewry (mystery Babylon)

������������������ rode upon, but still the eighth (world communism) was

to come out of the seventh.

������������������ Thus, world communism bolshevism) actually took over

the areas of the Russia's

������������������ which Genghis Khan once possessed and out of which

his pillagers had come, and

������������������ once again spread out to control that region. This

satanic philosophy seriously

������������������ moves into the Christian and other nations, seeking its

program of world conquest.

������������������� It remains as the eighth and last empire upon which the

woman rides, upon which

������������������ the powers of darkness and forces of evil seek to move

with great power.

������������������ This eighth beast and the woman on the back of this

world system proceed with

������������������ false doctrines and pagan attacks upon the true religion,

and they are economically

������������������ involved as well. For economy has been one of the

great weapons of mystery. Thus

������������������ the onslaught against Yahweh's Kingdom is economic

as well as religious. Under

������������ �������these circumstances, The Spirit of The Most High again

speaks to John: "Take a

������������������ good look at this woman for she has become the

habitation of devils and the hold

������������������� of every foul spirit and ever), unclean bird upon the face

of the earth. " Now, we

������������������ know the Jews are devils because Yahshua said they

are. We know that mystery

������������������ Babylon is their habitation and that they are in the

economic field as well. The

������������������ Christ says to you: "Come out of her, oh, my people,

lest you be partakers of her

������������������ evil deeds and her sins!" The kings of the world have

partaken not only of her sins

������������������ but economically they have partaken of her power.

Then The Messiah explains the

������������������ design and usurpation of power by mystery Babylon:

This is the organization of

������������������ every trade union and business they can absorb, the

policy of establishing control of

������������������ all money systems and of gold, silver, and jewelry while

harnessing practically all

������������������ production in the entire world. At the same time they

move out economically to

������������������ dominate and to gain control of the entire world.

���� ���������������We have the words of John in his second epistle to the

Elect Lady and her

������������������ children, for he says these people who deny Yahshua is

The Christ are antichrist. So

������������������ you do not take‑them into your homes, or they will~

take away all that you have

������������������ wrought; they will steal as spoil all that which would

normally be your reward. You

������������������ must realize that you have permitted them to come into

the United States to enjoy

����������� ��������citizenship; you have allowed them to move into areas

of importance in your

������������������ society until they have taken over your economy. You

do not have any, gold or

������������������ silver left because they have stolen your treasury. They

ran with the gold and silver

������������������ to,, Switzerland and then to Israel, and you have no

more in your resources. This is

������������������ only part of, the strategy of mystery Babylon. We have

recently seen a rather. new

��������������� ����and unique development, for, in Switzerland this week

the people who are true

������������������ Swiss decide that they must band together and expel

from their society those who

������������������ come in only to operate the banks and the businesses

who move in areas of false

������������������ economy. Then, when the money is loaned and gone,

they move, not leaving any

������������������ basic supply of funds that apparently had been utilized.

The house of Rothschild,

������������������ became one of the largest areas of discussion this week

in Switzerland. The Swiss

������������������ said the, Jews would have to leave as the people would

not let them run their

������������������ banks any more because they have been taking the

gold and silver to Tel Aviv.

������������������ Before Switzerland goes absolutely broke, she has to

return the structure of her

������������������ economy into the hands of her people. So you see

again the same thing moving on

������������������ this, Christian nation; for if you do not keep out these

evil creatures, they will take

������������������ away all that is yours under the pattern of Babylonian


������������������ The fact remains that the money (gold and silver) is

long since gone and we have

�� �����������������now extended our debt limit trillions of dollars. This we

owe, and the private banks

������������������ which continue, base their operation on your

production. Therefore they can lend

������������������ money on production, and must take it back out of the

areas of production. But the

������������������ "Federal" Reserve banks will not lend funds unless

they receive high interest rates,

������������������� so we have serious problems in America. The United

States government h as to go

������������������� to these banks (which are part of mystery Babylon).

They are the private banking

������������������ system of organized Jewry, and we have to borrow

money from them to finance all

������������������ operations and the Hosts of heaven, with their

tremendous fleets and ten times ten

������������������ thousands, times ten thousands of the chariots of fire"

to aid the household of His

������������������ people: He promises you victory, and He counts on you

to awaken to beat your

������� ������������plow‑shares into swords and your pruning hooks, into

spears, to stand off that

������������������ northern army. But remember that Yahweh (God) has

promised us and our nation

������������������ deliverance.

������������������ Therefore, as we look upon the fall of Babylon, let us

say: "Let her fall!" let us not in

������������������ ourselves worry too much about her economic

problems but let us return to the

������������������ economic standards of Yahweh's Kingdom. Out of the

program built around just sets

������������������� of weights and measures, we will discover that there

are states of economic

������������������ immunity to this nation in the program of The Most High.

������������������ ALL the patterns of false religion and evil economy

stand with mystery Babylon

������������������ under the program of the children of evil, while the

programs for the Righ trades

������������������ and craftsmen, and all the programs which they

operated and exploited under the

������������� ������plans of mystery Babylon will rejoice for Yahweh has

avenged you on her". Because

������������������ she has been destroyed, you will rejoice. And under

this program, at the

������������������ destruction of this mysterious, invisible city of evil

which had descended upon

������������������ society we are told "that these were great men of the

earth‑merchants who

������������������ deceived all nations" and they are now charged with the

blood of the righteous

������������������ who have been slain upon the earth.

������������������� In the 23rd chapter of Matthew we find that Yahshua

(Jesus) has been talking to the

������������������ scribes and Pharisees that are of organized Jewry, and

as he describes them He

������������������ says they are like whitewashed sepulchers and that

they have murdered all the

������������������ prophets Yahweh has sent into the world and,

furthermore, they ate guilty "of all

������������������ the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood

of righteous Abel unto

������������������ the blood of Zacharias, slain between the temple and

the altar." The Messiah

������������������ proved as He spoke here in Matthew that organized

Jewry with its ecclesiastical

������������������ control and economic power was guilty of the

martyrdom of the prophets from Abel

������������������ (who was killed by Cain) right down to Zacharias, who

had just been murdered in

������������������ Christ's time. Also Revelation (Chapter 18) the

Scriptures declare that these same

������������������� people are guilty of the blood of all the righteous slain,

proving that they and those

������������������ Yahshua speaks of in Matthew are one and the same.

"These are the Babylonian

������������������ great men, thy merchants, who deceive all nations."

������������������ Babylon is failing and we are facing this situation right

now; every community is

������������������ reaching for money for their schools and other

operations; and the strange

������������������ circumstance is that this pattern of revolution which

turns to vandalism or burns

������������������ down the schools, they cause many millions more in

costs to rebuild and repair that

������������������ which is destroyed. The community has to turn the

county, and the state to the

������������������ federal government to see who will pay for all this

devastation. The state does not

������������������ want to increase taxation because their officials will be

blamed and the areas of

������������������ administration would be transferred to others, and the

county does not want to

������������������ raise taxes for then their officials would be censured.

The revolutionaries burn the

������������������ schools whose administration then comes back to you

by way of the ballot for funds

������������������� to replace the destruction; and the taxpayers vote

"NO!" They will not put up their

������������������ money for bonds which cover them with heavy debt, to

have the enemy turn

������������������ around and vandalize and burn again!

������������������� So now everyone is running out of funds for education,

relief, and every operation

������������������� of administration; the local community and state call on

the federal government for

������������������ help, but the latter have no money except it comes from

you. This brings in some

������������������ process of taxation or the extending of increased debt

far out into the distant

������������������ future. Just so long as mystery Babylon can see a way

to control property, so long as

������������������ she (organized Jewry) can dominate society (which

puts you into slavery), she will

������������������ permit you to pass it on in debt which she will

"support". But now we find that

������������������ even mystery Babylon is faced with the fact that since

we have reached trillions of

������������������ dollars of debt she does not see a way to make a profit

on this and is becoming

������������������ reticent to back your programs of increased obligations.

Thus now the men like

������������������ Greenspan are crying that they want us to go into a

world bank and submit

������������������ completely to her program of hell that would control the

earth. I want you to see

������������������ that we are about to witness the fall of mystery

Babylon, and that this will not

������������������ economically hurt you any more than you have been

hurt already. The process of

������������������ finance is no longer sound as to the background of

money, and people will not

������� ������������starve to death.

������������������ They have the capacity to produce; they have the

goods which they produce, and

������������������ the material that production can make, and they are

about ready to seize, to take

������������������ away, the power of Babylon never again to control their

economy. You will see one

������������������� of the greatest programs of deliverance economically in

America as The Almighty

������������������ Yahweh drops mystery Babylon like a millstone into the


������������������ The saints of The Most High will rejoice and will be glad

because the power of

������������������ organized Jewry will have been finished!

������������������ There can be little question as we approach the climax

of this situation, for we will

������������������ stand and wonder as we see these things take place,

and we will realize that the

������������������ Hand of our Father is still upon His household and upon

His people. For He will

������������������ supply their needs and he will reawaken them and

return them to the standards of

������������������ the economy of His Kingdom. So we see this program

of Babylon the great is a

������������������ mysterious power; it is a satanic program, and as a

control of darkness it has turned

������������������� to its last objective. Since it can no longer enslave by

economic power, the design

������������������ now is to utilize the strength of military power and

quickly conquer you,

������������������ subordinating and taking over, and confiscating,

bringing death and liquidation. This

������������������� is how anti‑Christ moves into Armageddon at the very

climax, at the end of the

������������������ age.


EITHER, because The Most High is

������������������ standing by with Michael the archangel and the hosts of

heaven, with their

������������������ tremendous fleets and ten times ten thousands, times

ten thousands of the chariots

������������������� of fire to aid the household of His people He promises

you victory, and He counts

������������������� on you to awaken to beat your plow‑shares into swords

and your pruning hooks into

������������������ spears, to stand off that northern army. But remember

that Yahweh (God) has

������������������ promised us and our nation deliverance.

������������������ Therefore, as we look upon the fall of Babylon, let us

say: "Let her fall!" let us not in

������������������ ourselves worry too much about her economic

problems but let us return to the

������������������ economic standards of Yahweh's Kingdom. Out of the

program built around just sets

������������������� of weights and measures, we will discover that there

are states of economic

������������������ immunity to this nation in the program of The Most High.

������������������ ALL the patterns of false religion and evil economy

stand with mystery Babylon

������������������ under the program of the children of evil, while the

programs tighten for

������������������� Righteousness and Truth stand under the plan of the

New Jerusalem, which

������������������ descended from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob until your

time, and NOW IS ABOUT TO

������������������� BE REVEALED!

������������������ Praise Him, Praise Him, all ye His children! Yahweh,

come quickly!

Reference Materials